Reservation News

Meet the Mystery Native Superhero in the Upcoming Wonder Woman Movie


Gene's Blackfoot name is Natoyiipiita ...Holy Eagle. Besides riding every year in the Calgary Stampede parade he is an actor and stunt man and can be seen on the show "Hell on Wheels".

He performed stunts in Bury My Heart in Wounded Knee, he trained stunt actors for The Revenant, he is the most-killed character in AMC’s Hell on Wheels and now, stuntman turned actor Eugene Brave Rock is the mysterious Native American hero in the highly-anticipated Wonder Woman movie to be released in 2017.

Brave Rock did say that director Patty Jenkins -- the first female director of a major DC franchise movie -- and DC Comics were extremely respectful of Brave Rock’s Native heritage.

“DC really let me have a voice. Usually movies have a lot of do’s and dont’s and they tell you you have to do things a certain way, but in this case, even with wardrobe, it was awesome. In the end, they let me decide a lot about my character. Previously, movies have even told me how I had to braid my hair, and you don’t have a choice - but this was not the case.”

He is also proud of his work on The Revenant -- "my brother Tim Bruised Head and I set up a boot camp and we trained 20 stunt people" -- and AMC’s Hell on Wheels, explaining that, “I am the stuntman who has died the most. The favorite way I ever died was I got blown up,” says Brave Rock with a laugh.

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